Cindy is a Bronx bred first generation Dominican American artist and producer. She is an artistic producer of The Dominican Artists Collective, a company of Dominican storytellers based in New York City, with members across the globe. She is graduating The David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University in 2025
Planned Parenthood Campaign Spanish w/ English Subtitles
Stupid Fucking Bird/Arden Theatre
" In particular, De La Cruz, as the teenage woman who circumstantially must be the surrogate mother for both her siblings and puerile mater, gives a grounded, carefully wrought performance."
"Emily (Cindy De La Cruz, artfully aging from bratty to mature)"
"Another standout was De La Cruz as Emily. De La Cruz nailed the earnestness of her character, bringing Emily’s genuine realizations to life in a way that’s crucial for “Our Town” to hit its mark."
"And De La Cruz has good energy as the betrayed Suzanne, flinging herself into the part with abandon. "
"Both Baker and De La Cruz give energetic, invigorating performances in this fast-paced and high-octane play, sharing a magnetic chemistry that comes from their command of the stage and their craft"
"it could just as easily be showcased in an empty room, because the show is carried by the conviction and power that these two women bring to the stage."
"As Zoe Reed, Cindy De La Cruz is a powerhouse.
Zoe's transformation is as convincing as it is seamless."